so, you want to travel to


Let's face it; if you want to go to space, you might as well genuinely go to outer space and not hover kind of on the edge of it. Well sit back, and relax because we'll give you a truly out of this world experience!


00pick your destination



The Moon is Earth's natural satellite, orbiting at an average distance of 238,855 miles. It influences tides and has captivated human interest for centuries.

avg.distance est. travel time

384 mil. km

3 days

01pick your destination


Mars, the fourth planet, is a cold, reddish desert with a thin atmosphere. Scientists study it for geological insights and signs of past or present life.

avg.distance est. travel time

225 mil. km

9 months

02pick your destination



Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system, known for its diverse ecosystems, abundant water, and the presence of life, including a wide variety of plant and animal species.

avg.distance est. travel time

-- mil. km

-- months

03pick your destination



Titan, Saturn's largest moon, features a thick atmosphere, liquid hydrocarbon lakes, and is the only celestial body, besides Earth, with stable liquid on its surface.

avg.distance est. travel time

749 mil. km

-- months

00meet your crew

NASA Astronaut

Victor Glover

Victor Glover, the first African American to live on the International Space Station for an extended period, was part of NASA's historic SpaceX Crew-1 mission launched on November 15, 2020, as the first operational commercial crewed flight to the ISS.

01meet your crew


Mark Shuttleworth

Mark Shuttleworth is a South African entrepreneur, software developer, and the founder of Canonical Ltd., the company behind the Ubuntu operating system, as well as the first African in space, having traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) as a space tourist in 2002.

02meet your crew

NASA Astronaut

Douglas Hurley

Douglas Hurley is a retired NASA astronaut and former Marine Corps officer who made history as one of the astronauts on SpaceX's Crew Dragon Demo-2 mission, marking the first crewed orbital launch by a private company in 2020.


03meet your crew

Flight Engineer

Anousheh Ansari

Anousheh Ansari is an Iranian American engineer and co-founder of Prodea Systems. Ansari was the fourth self-funded space tourist, the first self-funded woman to fly to the ISS, and the first Iranian in space.


00space launch 101

the terminology...

Launch Vehicle

A lunch vehicle or carrier rocket is a rocket-propelled vehicle used to carry a payload from Earth's surface to space, usually to Earth orbit or beyond. Our WEB-X carrier rocket is the most powerful in operation. Standing 150 metres tall, it's quite an awe-inspiring sight on the launch pad!


01space capsule 108

the terminology...

Space Capsule

A lunch vehicle or carrier rocket is a rocket-propelled vehicle used to carry a payload from Earth's surface to space, usually to Earth orbit or beyond. Our WEB-X carrier rocket is the most powerful in operation. Standing 150 metres tall, it's quite an awe-inspiring sight on the launch pad!

02space port 208

the terminology...


A lunch vehicle or carrier rocket is a rocket-propelled vehicle used to carry a payload from Earth's surface to space, usually to Earth orbit or beyond. Our WEB-X carrier rocket is the most powerful in operation. Standing 150 metres tall, it's quite an awe-inspiring sight on the launch pad!
